AicA AGM 2013, Taipei, Taiwan

Friday, 27 September 2013

[EV-rt] AicA AGM '13
Roger Kam & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Practising) joined the 8th Annual General Meeting of the Alliance of Inter-Continental Accountants (AicA), in Taipei (Taiwan), on 26-28 September 2013.

Roger Kam & Co. is one of the two founder members of AicA. This strategic alliance was established in 2005 to provide advanced cross-border services to international clients in the Asia Pacific Region. The current members are accounting firms based in major Asian countries and regions including Hong Kong, the Mainland China (Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen), Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam. The 8th annual meeting allowed all member firms to report updates on outstanding regulations and reporting standards in the respective jurisdiction and to promote investment opportunities in their markets.

The 9th AicA Annual General Meeting was held in October 2014 in Singapore.

For more information, please visit AicA website.

Photos from the event:

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