AicA 13th Annual General Meeting
The 13th AicA Annual Generael Meeting was held in Fukuoka successfully in early September, 2018.

Fukuoka is Kyushu's largest and one of the top ten populated cities in Japan. Because of its closeness to Asia mainland (i.e. China and Korea), Fukuoka, called as a "gateway to Asia", has been an important harbor city for many centuries. It is the centre of core city of politics, economy, culture and fashion, and known as an energetic city which fits perfectly with the spirit of AicA.
The topic of this year is to discuss about "How to Attract Foreign Investments in Asia" and "What are The Tax Benefits to The Investors". Our member firms from Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Xiamen, Chongqing and Shanghai joined the meetings, discussing about the strategies and opportunities from the recent economy trend and business revolutions. Besides, the anticipated members also discussed actively on how to use the AI technologies and distance facilities to enhance the inter-communications beteween the mamber firms which then improve the policies, rules and regulations, services offered sharing and updates among the member firms.

The mission of AicA is to create a cross-border professional services platform to our global business partners and clients with the commitment from experienced and dedicated fellow members. Our greatest strength is the willingness of each member firms' partners to share the knowledges and insights with other member firms to catch and meet the recent demand of global economy trend and business needs. Our member firms are ready to assist and advise, with the unreserved support from fellow AicA member firms to continuously improve our expertise and service activities with high integrity and ethical standards to liaise and assist our clients to achieve their business development objectives and success in the long run.